under construction
Busy times for the History Society.
We have two new projects on the go—one to research the `ghost houses’ of the village—homes that fell into disrepair and have now disappeared (Chrissie Skinner was actually born in one of them!!) and the other to try and find out more about the military camp at Lightleigh during WW2—where searchlights and anti aircraft guns tried to disrupt German bombers as they passed overhead on the way to and from South Wales and the Midlands. If you would like to get involved in either project, do let us know.
On top of that we are updating `The Changing Face of Kingsnympton’ to reflect latest changes and information available, and to jazz up the look of the publication with more colour photos of the village as it is now.
And finally, Martin and Lorraine Pailthorpe have taken on the task of setting up a website and creating a digital archive from the mass of photographs and paperwork that we have in various attics!
We are always looking for new ideas and new members, and hope to put some of our records on display at the Revel later in the summer