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We're keen to see Kingsnympton do its bit to Reduce Reuse and Recycle - these pages give a few ideas, but feel free to contact us with your own tips as we try to make the community as sustainable as possible!
A few links -
shops that sell refills for your containers of washing and cleaning products, as well as herb and spice jars.
Most also sell organic goods and local produce.
shopping local - bypassing the supermarkets to buy great local produce, or from an independent outlet.
recycling - everything from crisp packets and plastic wrapping that the council won't take - to polystyrene - via bubble wrap and electronic items
A clothes recycling scheme that raises money for Kingsnympton Primary School
Plastic Free North Devon
For great ideas on how to go plastic free, check out the Plastic Free North Devon website
Solar panels
If you are interested in having solar panels installed Devon County Council runs a scheme called `Solar Together' which co-ordinates a group buying scheme to get the best deals possible.
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